Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tibetan Uprising Day

"Be kind whenever possible. It's always possible." Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama
Bell statue in Ontario, Canada

  • 1876 Alexander Graham Bell makes the first successful telephone call saying "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you."
  • 1959 Fearing an abduction attempt by China, 300,000 Tibetans surround the Dalai Lama's palace to prevent his removal.
  • 2006 The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter arrives at Mars.

Sir Anthony Hopkins
Not only has Anthony Hopkins won an Oscar, but he's also composed classical music. Listen to the NPR interview with the actor/composerCoca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are redesigning their formulas. How come? Watch the BBC reportWhat's the link between youth and smoking? Don't miss this CNN reportBee-lieve it or not, bees are individuals. Be sure to read this Time articleThe "Kony 2012" has stirred controversy all over the net. Watch the Reuters interview with the film's directorBelieve it or not, there's this one guy with an obsession: Guinness World Records. Watch the ABC report via Yahoo!

1 comment:

Karen penguin said...

=0 WTF! haha sorry but I didn't know who Hannibal Lecter, the criminal Anthony Hopkins is piano composer!!! =0 I like the piano!! and one day I'll play songs as beautiful as those of Beethoven!! =] I hope so! hahaa