"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later." Og Mandino
King Kong |
- 1933 The film King Kong opens at New York's Radio City Music Hall.
- 1983 CD players and CDs are released for the first time in the United States and other markets. They had been only available in Japan.
- 1990 Nelson Mandela is elected deputy President of the African National Congress.
What's the solution to Calderon's anti-drug war? According to this BBC report, the solution is top-of-the-line prisons... that's right.
Cancer is a devastating disease, and more so with children. Listen to a cancer survivor interviewing his mum. You mustn't miss it!!!
How about cyber-bullying? Time has prepared this interesting video which addresses the issue of aggression and violence.
Do you think doctors die differently from patients? Follow this link to find out what decisions doctors make.
Finally, there are new methods to detect brain injuries. Click here to watch a USA Today report.
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